Friday, August 5, 2011

Well most of the region saw some much needed rainfall this a complex of t/storms marched across KS overnight. We showed them to you on the news last night as they were forming, the question in my mind at the time was whether or not they'd survive the 300 mile journey across the state with very little in the way of favorable inflow allowing them to sustain themselves. I'm glad I kept at least the chance of rain in the forecast this AM, but much like WED night I didn't want to over promise a bunch of rain...I'd say this time we got more coverage than I expected.

Now since we're dealing with t/storms...there are usually haves and have nots...and in the case of this AM that also is is some rainfall information from some of the gauges around the metro...

and a bit farther northwards...

Click on those images to make them larger and more readable to to see how much you may have picked up...

The official airport tallies weren't overly impressive...KCI, officially for KC, got .11"...Downtown had .08", Lees Summit had .38"...Gardner had .43"...Whiteman AFB had .32" and Sedalia had .58"...those totals are between 7AM and 1PM...

Here are the doppler has to be somewhat saddened by the rapid decrease in totals as this complex moved towards KC...notice the totals really fading east of Manhattan...

Latest model data is showing the potential for another convective cluster to move into the region MON AM...with the potential for heavier rainfall. there may be some scattered activity as well SUN AM in parts of the area...

Overall though the weekend looks OK with highs in the 90s, especially SAT....

Meanwhile, as I was crunching the stats for the month of July, and trying to understand why my power bill was so high last month...I came up with these numbers...did you know that for Average HIGHS in July, we were the hottest we've been, since July of 1980. Whenever your comparing things to 1980, you know that's impressive. Our average high was 92.9 degrees...back in 1980 just to show how hot that month really was the avg high was over 97 degrees...think about that...for as hot as July was, July of 1980 was 5 degrees hotter. Also the average AM lows were warmer this July than any other July going back to 1966...that is in large part due to the moisture/higher dewpoints that were affecting us until we baked out the soil a couple of weeks ago.

Meanwhile the core of the heat has settled just about a 3 hour's drive south of  KC...Dallas has hit 100 for the 35th straight day...

Here is some information from the NWS that they came out with this AM...again tack on another day to the 100s streak for today's high...

Have a great weekend and hopefully you'll stay cool!


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