Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well the rain has just about quit for the metro as I type this...temperatures before the rain made it well through the 70s then dropped into the 60s with the rainfall and will now creep back up a few degrees as the clouds start to thin out as our dying complex of storms moves/fades away. The rainfall was welcome by most and there were some 1"+ totals running around. For the most part in metro...totals are under .50"...and many seem to be closer to .25 as an average around the metro area...KCI through 1PM has had .05" and Lees Summit is closer to .17" through 1PM. St Joe only had .06". So any moisture at this point is welcome...but certainly for most of the region, not exactly a tremendous soaking of rainfall.

There will be other opportunities for the next several days in my opinion. The complex for today has laid down a boundary of rain cooled air that has spread all the way down through S KS. By early tomorrow morning, strong winds of close to 55 MPH will be overrunning that boundary. Surface temperatures across the southern plains are well into the 90s/100s so a lot of heat/moisture will be sitting down there. The strong low-level winds will help to create rising air over the boundary that may turn into more storms...especially from I-70 northwards tomorrow AM. We will be capping up tomorrow AM...but the chance will certainly be there for a few hours tomorrow AM...also SAT and SUN AM. So while the exact placements of these clusters is tough to figure out at this point...the models are telling me that the potential is certainly there for some activity through W MO and E KS...Sunday AM looks like the better chances at this point in time. Most of the afternoons are looking OK at this point with temperatures heading upwards from 85-95 in the region.

Monday should be the quiet day and then a stronger disturbance will roll through with a nice cold front on Tuesday. There will be the potential for severe weather with that next disturbance and front...probably a squall line of sorts for Tuesday into TUE evening assuming the front slows down a bit. Should the front blow through here quicker on Tuesday then we may not get as unstable...5 days down the road to watch though.

I've finalized the last details pretty much on the FOX 4 Weathering The Storm Seminar to be held This Saturday. All the details can be found here. Scroll towards the bottom for terms of presenters, here is the finalized list for you in the order they should appear.

A Benefit for Storm Relief
Welcome (Mike Thompson)
Reviewing 2011 Video (Joe Lauria-Jeff Piotrowski)
Are You Properly Prepared? (Bob Brown-AFI)
Anxiety Issues & Severe Weather (Catherine Sterchi)
Red Cross (Patrick Sallee)
5-10 Minute Break
Thunderstorm Basics/Spotting/Safety (Andy Bailey)
Situational Awareness & Storm Spotting (Chris Novy)
Panel Discussion & Your Questions

Again in case you hadn't heard, we were hoping to have Reed Timmer as part of the show, but since the production on his TV show for the Discover Channel got extended, he became unavailable. Regardless, we're chock full of material and videos to show all the attendees.

My friend, Meteorologist Bruce Thomas, whom some of you may remember from Channel 5 back in the day, and who now works for Midland radio will be dropping off several of the latest and greatest weather radios that are now doing amazing things. We will be handing them out as door prizes on Saturday. In addition we'll be feeding all of the attendees free Krispy Kreme donuts, while supplies last. Again get there before 9AM to guarantee a great seat!

Also several members of the KC chapter of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) will be in attendance. This group is helping to co-sponsor our event and for those who have an interest/hobby with weather and are fascinated by it as much as I am, feel free to give me your email address at the show and I'll get you on the email list concerning future meeting that will be held in the fall.


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