Friday, March 4, 2011

Our system is is organizing and intensifying off towards the SE of the metro now...interesting day for weather around these parts as some heavy rainfall with thunder/lightning and some small hail (I'll show some pictures tonight on the news) zipped through the region at 40+ MPH. Rainfall amounts were heavy but the fast movement of the storms kept many areas in the .25"-.75" range. Although there were some higher localized totals. Here is a look at the doppler estimates.

Click on that graphic to make it more readable...the storms, as outlined by the yellow lines are borderline severe towards the east of Columbia...

In terms of ground truth...the Johnson County Stormwater Management folks have a wonderful rain gauge application...take a look at the rainfall through 3:30 or so this afternoon....

Again click on that to make it more readable!

As mentioned the storm is now to the SE of the metro...

Cooler air is moving through now...we maxed out @ 47 @ KCI before the rain started, we're down into the lower 40s now and will fall into the mid 20s tonight. My feeling is that most, if not all, of the precip will be done with by the time the atmosphere is cold enough for snow, as a matter of fact the latest RUC model supports that notion. So while a flake or two are possible after midnight, no accums are expected and the weekend should be brighter but chill with highs SAT/SUN in the 40s.

Our next storm should move into the region sometime TUE PM into WED...warmer air will fight towards us and this will be another dynamic storm system, so the potential of some strong to severe storms in the midwest will be on the increase depending on timing, set-ups, moisture return and instability. Too far out to speculate on the local effects at this point though.

Have a great weekend...



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