Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This will have to be short and sweet as the new model data has started to roll in and is much wetter for the storm...both for rain as well as frozen precip. Just looking at the newest NAM model, would indicate the potential for over 3" of snow for a large part of the metro, especially on the MO side...some areas of NW MO would have significantly more excess of 6" if this model verifies. Very troubling. Moisture was never going to be a problem for this storm and the latest model data confirms that.

The TYPE of precipitation though is still a question, and the timing of the change over to frozen precip may go a long way to determining how much sleet/snow we get. IF it is pouring down snow in the middle of the afternoon, the potential for over 4" of a heavy wet snow will go up considerably. There also likely will be a somewhat sharp gradient between the big snows and the minor snows. That gradient may lie close to the metro, especially off towards the NE of KC.

This snow will be different than the others, instead of being a nice fluffy (easier to shovel) snow...this one will be the heavy wet, back breaking type of snow to shovel IF enough of it falls. I'm afraid we won't get a good handle on this till later tomorrow AM...but right now the track looks very nice for a heavy swath of snow to be generated somewhere in the viewing area, especially from the metro northwards...


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